Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Getting Great Recommendations for College #1

Ask early

Often, teachers are asked to write recommendations for a lot of their students. Ask your teachers about recommendations as early as possible. (How about right now? Go ahead, we'll wait.) You're more likely to get thoughtful, unique recommendations when yours is one of the first the teachers have written this year. By the tenth or fifteenth recommendation, teachers could end up running low on inspiration.
"The early recommendations often tend to be better (before teacher burnout occurs)," says John Boshoven, counselor for continuing education at Community High School (MI) and director of college counseling for Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit.

Nudge their memory

Some high school teachers may have more than a hundred students per year. Don't make them rack their brains trying to remember exactly what topic you chose for your research paper last semester.
When you give teachers your recommendation forms (and don't forget an addressed, stamped envelope!), include one or more following items:
  • Copies of papers you wrote for that teacher's class, with his or her comments written on them.
  • A list of which of the teacher's classes you've taken and when you took them.
  • A short (one page or less) summary of your academic achievements and activities.
Also, find time to talk to your teacher about your experience in his or her class and your dreams for college.
"The best thing to do is to tell the teacher what you got out of his or her class—how it changed your way of looking at the world," says Reider.
If possible, relate that discussion to what you're looking for in a college. For example, perhaps what you enjoyed most about a particular class was the interesting classroom discussions. As a result, you decided to look for colleges that encourage a lot of interaction between the faculty and students.
"If you make clear to your teacher why you are applying to each college—how much each college matches your learning styles and objectives—and if you ask the teacher to cite examples of these in his or her class, you will have a recommendation that is much more helpful to the admission office," says Robert Massa, vice president of enrollment, student life, and college relations at Dickinson College (PA).
Also, if you asked your teachers weeks or months before the due date (you mean you haven't asked yet? What are you waiting for?), check on the progress of the recommendation a week or two before the due date. Don't be a pest: just ask politely if the teacher needs anything else to complete the recommendation and mention the due date.

Appreciate their efforts

Teachers write recommendations because they care about their students—that's you! Write your teacher a thank-you note. If you want to be more creative, attach the note to a plate of homemade cookies. Too many students don't realize that writing recommendations is hard work for teachers. Make sure that your teachers know you appreciate their efforts!
Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2007 National Association for College Admission Counseling.

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